Am I an adult yet?

Saturday, December 10, 2005

I am a snow goddess

I spent last weekend in Vail with my parents. Way fun. They had the most snow in December that they've had in 15 years or so, which meant that my dad and I spent several days wading through knee-waist deep powder. My little legs burned, but the skiing was a lot easier with my new ski boots (first pair of my very own boots!). My dad and I cut the last day short when we couldn't see five feet in front of us and my nose almost froze off. At night we went to restaurants that I would never go to if the bill wasn't on my parents, love bein a mooch. And one night we all got massages and I may have been slightly violated by my masseuse. I feel like you should never as a masseuse say either "As much as I love working on you, it's time to go" or "good times" referring to the massage. Eek. Felt good though. Yay long weekends. Then it was right back to the Cheesecake, that's getting old.


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