Am I an adult yet?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Why I'm always busy

When I don't have commitments that make me run around like a crazy person, I do absolutely nothing. I ran around this morning and then worked at the store this afternoon, and since then I have been glued to a chair in the kitchen, watching tv and playing around on the computer. I feel like a big lazy lump (although sex and the city on TBS was time well spent). This is why I have an inner need to be constantly overcommitted, I may be wiped out, but at least I feel somewhat productive. Maybe I'll go to the gym now, it is open 24 hours...

So on Adam Carolla's really boring show on comedy central, he really needs a laugh track or a live studio audience or something, because he's making bad jokes and then there's just dead silence. I'm imagining an entire audience, just sitting there, staring at him. Ok, I really really have to turn the tv off.


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