Am I an adult yet?

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


For several days, my parents and I have been living with the threat of being stung to death in our sleep by millions of bees. It's very reminiscent of "My Girl," only indoors (there were just too many of them!). They have had a hive in between an indoor and an outdoor wall all season, but now that they're dying and sluggish and desperate they're getting into the house. I walked out into the front hallway (several rooms away from the hive) yesterday and stopped to listen to the sound of a low, constant buzzing. It felt like a D-grade horror movie, perhaps something shown during primetime on Fox. Sorry, many apt analogies. The exterminator comes today, and for the moment, I am very happy to be at mommy's store...


Blogger Rachel said...

a girl in my class got stung on the lip the other day. it was ruff.

2:21 PM

Blogger gurs said...

i heard that the bees were angry this year because of the drought. maybe you should try leaving them out some water.

3:22 PM


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